RunSafe 5G Bash with Verizon, Gilman Louie and Lisa Porter

As 5G technology is deployed, there is much excitement around the new capabilities it will deliver. Equal to that excitement is the growing concern of how to secure 5G technologies. With many new use cases once thought outside the realm of wireless, security practitioners are grappling with how to properly secure their new 5G back environments. Wireless industry experts from the Carrier, OEM and VC community will share their perspectives on how businesses of all types can ensure they’re prepared to deploy 5G based solutions in a secure manner.
Moderator: Joe Saunders
Participants: Randy Clark (Vice-Chair, National Spectrum Consortium), Gilman Louie (Alsop Louie), and Lisa Porter (LogIQ, former Deputy Undersecretary DOD-R&E)
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