RunSafe Security Safety of Flight Approach

Download our white paper.

Safety of Flight Whitepaper

Download our white paper to learn how RunSafe is certifying RunSafe Code as a TQL-1 tool.

RunSafe offers a comprehensive solution to achieving certifiable flight safety with RunSafe Code, designed to meet the stringent requirements of DO-178C at Design Assurance Level A and DO-330 at Tool Qualification Level 1. RunSafe Code comprises two components: one that operates during compilation and another during execution. By embedding RunSafe Code into development and operational environments, flight software gains enhanced unpredictability and robustness.

RunSafe Code mitigates memory-based vulnerabilities, enhancing overall system security without impacting performance or functionality. In addition to its cybersecurity benefits, RunSafe provides a detailed tool qualification process, demonstrating how RunSafe Code meets the highest standards for flight safety tools. The qualification package includes all necessary documentation, test cases, and plans to support certification efforts, ensuring seamless integration into various development environments.

Verification IconDownload our comprehensive white paper to gain insights into:

  • How RunSafe Code works to protect software from cyber threats by relocating functions in memory uniquely for each instance
  • How RunSafe Code will be qualified as a Tool Qualification Level 1 (TQL-1) tool under DO-330
  • The process for certifying RunSafe Code as airborne software at Design Assurance Level A (DAL-A) under DO-178C
  • How RunSafe Code helps to satisfy the “Defense in Depth” and “Ease of Maintenance” principles of DO-326/356 for airworthiness security
  • The steps involved in the RunSafe Code development process, including planning, requirements definition, design, implementation, testing, and verification

Elevate your flight software’s security and ensure compliance with industry standards. Download our whitepaper to learn how RunSafe Security is working towards helping you stay ahead of cyber threats and maintain the highest level of flight safety.

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