Bucking the trend of a cybersecurity blog beginning with bad news, we’re beginning this post with some positive news: the hunt for solutions to weapon systems vulnerabilities is finally underway. This thanks to The MITRE report (August), the GAO report (October), and...
What you are about to read could be straight out of a horror movie. You would hear the eerie voiceover intoning…”In a world where endpoints are under constant attack, how do you protect yourself? Your critical infrastructure? Your data? Your business?”...
Note: This article was originally written exclusively for Data Center Dynamics. The Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and cloud-based applications have rapidly expanded data center risk, as smart devices increase attack vectors...
Finding a vulnerability, developing an exploit, and then launching (or not launching) this exploit – is repeated many times every day. Now more than ever companies must be aware of two perspectives: what a system is intended to do, and what a system can do. The term...
On an almost weekly basis, another organization or government agency owns up to having been “hacked” – admitting that its systems have been breached. For every company that discloses an issue, there are likely 20 – 30 more that keep it under wraps. We know this...
As the automotive industry adds more software and connections into vehicles, it simultaneously increases the probability of cyberattacks due to vulnerabilities. Right now, the average car has about 100 million lines of software code and 100 electronic control unit...