Register Now for RunSafe’s CyberSecurity Bashes at Cyber Week October 19-23

Posted on October 8, 2020
Author: RunSafe Security

RunSafe Security is excited to announce a full lineup of cybersecurity bashes for CyberWeek 2020, held virtually October 19-23, 2020. All of these events will feature cybersecurity heavy hitters and respected industry thought leaders.

CyberWeek is a digital experience featuring hundreds of national community events to exchange information, share best practices, and discuss the many ways we can revolutionize the way we protect against and overcome cyberthreats facing our nation. Throughout the week, RunSafe will bring together the best minds in security to tackle the toughest issues head-on in a series of expert panels touching on hot button topics and issues including 5G, cloud workloads, DevSecOps in both the federal and commercial markets, open source security, and more.

In addition to virtual hand to hand combat with cybersecurity thought leaders, RunSafe will host and feature speed chess matches each day where CEO and Co-Founder Joe Saunders will face off against U.S. Air Force Chief Software Officer, Nicolas Chaillan.

For more information about Cyber Week, click here-

Event Schedule

Monday 10/19 1pm RunSafe 5G Bash with National Spectrum Consortium, Gilman Louie and Lisa Porter
Tuesday 10/20 11am – 1pm Lockheed Martin, Suppliers, and RunSafe Security Brainstorm (invitation-only)
Tuesday 10/20 1pm RunSafe Cloud Workload Bash with Oracle and Atomicorp
Tuesday 10/20 4 – 6pm CyberWeek Trivia Tournament 
Wednesday 10/21 1pm RunSafe DevSecOps Federal Bash with Gitlab, Jasper
Thursday 10/22 1pm RunSafe DevSecOps Commercial Bash with CloudBees, JFrog, and RedHat
Friday 10/23 1pm RunSafe Open Source Security Bash with Phylum, North Carolina State, and the Atlantic Council


Event Details

RunSafe 5G Bash 

As 5G technology is deployed, there is much excitement around the new capabilities it will deliver. Equal to that excitement is the growing concern of how to secure 5G technologies. With many new use cases once thought outside the realm of wireless, security practitioners are grappling with how to properly secure their new 5G back environments. Wireless industry experts from the Carrier, OEM and VC community will share their perspectives on how businesses of all types can ensure they’re prepared to deploy 5G based solutions in a secure manner.
Moderator: Joe Saunders
Participants: Randy Clark (Vice-Chair, National Spectrum Consortium), Gilman Louie (Alsop Louie), Julie Holdren, CPO, VERB Technology, and Lisa Porter (LogIQ, former Deputy Undersecretary DOD-R&E)
Zoom registration page:


RunSafe Cloud Workload Bash 
As enterprises migrate to the cloud, cloud providers offer infrastructure, redundancy, and availability. But there are core capabilities in managing the security of cloud workloads not offered by cloud providers. What are these core capabilities, how do you deploy them, and what are ways to ensure your open source software, containers, and workloads are protected?
Moderator: Nick Rea
Participants: Mike Shinn (Atomicorp); and Johnnie Konstantas, (Oracle)
Zoom registration page:


RunSafe Trivia Tournament
Participants:  16 teams compete for the coveted RunSafe Trivia Cup in a single-elimination tournament for bragging rights as The Smartest Cyber Company in the World. Proceeds go to The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative scholarship program to develop future cyber leaders.
Host:   RunSafe Security
More details here


Lockheed Martin, Suppliers, and RunSafe Security Brainstorm (invitation-only)
Our DoD customers require hardened weapon systems that withstand cyber attack. What are the biggest challenges faced in securing software? What are the current best practices? Initiatives underway include model-based engineering and DevSecOps. What entry points for increasing cyber resilience and securing the software supply chain do these initiatives create? This session is an invitation-only roundtable discussion with Lockheed Martin suppliers and executives to discuss methods to boost security protections for end customers through collaboration. Click here to email Dave Salwen for an invitation.


RunSafe DevSecOps Federal Bash
The French Defense and other moves to embed security in DevSecOps.
Software is never done and speed always matters. The DoD is moving to DevSecOps in response. It’s a journey involving both cultural and technical changes. Join Gitlab, Jasper, and RunSafe for a discussion of security approaches and use cases. With a special appearance by Nicolas Chaillan, like you’ve never seen him before.
Moderator: Dave Salwen
Participants: Andy Patel (Jasper Solutions), Inc.; Joe McKairns (Gitlab Federal)
Zoom registration page:


RunSafe DevSecOps Commercial Bash
As DevSecOps tools proliferate in the market, they all promise better cyber resiliency but that often comes with a cost. Not just the cost of the tool itself, but the additional overhead it takes to implement and operate the tool. Join industry experts from Cloudbees, JFrog and RedHat to learn how businesses are grappling with these challenges and how you can avoid them.
Moderator: Nick Rea
Participants: John Osborne, (RedHat), Sven Ruppert (JFrog)
Zoom registration page:


RunSafe Open Source Security Bash
If you care about security, you should never trust software. If you take that a step further, open source software, components, and libraries are pervasive in software deployed across all types of programs. Though you can identify the latest versions and make sure you are up-to-date at a point in time, there is a myriad of vulnerabilities that don’t have fixes, and when patches are available they can’t often be applied in a timely fashion. What are the state-of-the-art ways vulnerabilities in open source code can be identified and mitigated and what can we do if scanning and patching still have holes that put our systems at risk.
Moderator: Joe Saunders
Participants: Dr. Laurie Williams (NCState); Trey Herr, Director, (The Atlantic Council “Cyber Statecraft Initiative”); Aaron Bray (Phylum)
Zoom registration page:

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