About this Series of Three Blog Posts In July 2020 the Atlantic Council, a highly-respected international affairs leadership institute based in Washington, DC, published a wide-ranging, evidence-based report titled “Breaking Trust: Shades of Crisis Across an Insecure...
This blog post introduces a new podcast series hosted by CEO Joe Saunders. Here is a message from him with the backstory. Backstory: The School of Hard Knocks When I was a freshman in college, I was shocked when I received a low mark on my very first midterm exam. Ok,...
On Friday, July 17, 2020, experts offered testimony on “Exploring the Feasibility and Security of Technology to Conduct Remote Voting in the House.” In addition to former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Jon Green, Honorable Cheryl L. Johnson, Dr. Ronald Rivest, and Dr. David...
The debate surrounding the security of open source code is sure to continue for years to come, but given that 50% of vulnerabilities in open source code often go unmitigated (even after four years), organizations remain exposed. The usage of open source is nearly...
RunSafe Alkemist is a cybersecurity solution built to defeat an entire class of cyber attacks. It seamlessly integrates into software build toolchains to eliminate the threat of memory-based vulnerabilities. Through RunSafe’s unique User Plugin, Jfrog users can now...