Identify Vulnerabilities in your Software Supply Chain and Boost Resilience

Vulnerabilities can leave systems exposed to cyber attacks, jeopardizing the security of essential infrastructure. Addressing this problem requires a comprehensive approach that uncovers these hidden risks and provides actionable insights to prioritize remediation efforts. Stay ahead of potential risks and ensure your systems are protected from unknown and unknown vulnerabilities.

Key Features of Our Vulnerability Identification Process

Identify Known and Unknown Vulnerabilties

Pinpoint areas where you can reduce your attack surface against known and unknown vulnerabilities to minimize potential entry points for cyber threats.

Understanding the composition of vulnerabilities in your software, allows you to allocate internal resources more effectively, ensuring that your team can manage risks efficiently and maintain robust security practices.

This approach allows you to significantly reduce your attack surface, protect against unforeseen vulnerabilities, and ensure the long-term security and resilience of critical systems.

“From our perspective, adding RunSafe means we have more opportunity to shrink the attack surface and reduce overall risks for our customers since security is now already built into our product.”

Senior Director, Business and Product Development

Enhance Security by Easily Identifying Vulnerabilities in Your Software Supply Chain

Cyber Bug

Proactive Risk

Stay ahead of known and unknown vulnerabilities with proactive identification, closing security gaps that otherwise could be exploited.

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Ensure Compliance and Risk Management

Avoid penalties and ensure compliance with industry standards, while also managing risks more effectively across your software supply chain.

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Leverage Actionable Security Insights 

Receive actionable insights to remediate critical vulnerabilities promptly and effectively, ensuring efforts are directed toward those exploits that could have the greatest impact.

Identify Vulnerabilities

Actionable Vulnerability Identification for Product Security Teams

RunSafe Security plays a critical role in helping organizations identify vulnerabilities within their embedded systems, providing the proper intelligence needed for effective mitigation.

By thoroughly assessing vulnerabilities—both known and unknown—the RunSafe Security Platform equips product security teams with actionable insights that inform strategic decision-making.

This approach enables organizations to proactively address potential vulnerabilties before they can be exploited, ensuring that their systems remain secure and resilient. With our continuous monitoring and real-time updates, organizations can stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape, maintaining robust defenses at all times.

Identify Vulnerabilities
RunSafe Security identifies vulnerabilities

Prioritize Mitigation Efforts and Protect Critical Assets

RunSafe Security Platform offers a comprehensive tools to identify vulnerabilities and risk scoring, allowing product teams to prioritize their mitigation efforts, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to address the most critical risks.

This not only enhances overall security but also supports compliance with industry regulations and standards, protecting the organization’s reputation and operational integrity.

By leveraging our advanced vulnerability identification and proactive defense strategies, you can confidently protect your critical assets and enhance your overall security posture. Additionally, our platform’s intuitive interface and crash monitoring capabilities empower teams to stay ahead of emerging threats, ensuring a robust and resilient defense against potential cyberattacks.

Latest Resources

Building Trust with Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs)

Building Trust with Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs)

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Understanding and Addressing Third-Party Software Risks

Understanding and Addressing Third-Party Software Risks

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Ready to Get Started?

RunSafe identifies vulnerabilities in your software and reduces your attack surface by automating the detection and mitigation of security risks, ensuring enhanced protection against potential threats.