Software Supply Chain Risks are Escalating!
The Balance of Power Favors the Attacker

IoT devices are everywhere, everything is moving to the cloud,
and 80% of codebases contain open source software.

A Cyber Attack Happens
Every 11 Seconds

70% of zero-days & 40% of
CVEs are memory-related.

The Average Payout
is $200K

59% of memory-related CVEs
have exploits available.

Existing Scanning, Patching, & Monitoring Tools
Do Not Solve the Problem

You have no control over who maintains
open source software or when it can be patched.

Harden Your Software, Radically Reduce Your Attack Surface
Take Back Your Power!

bad actors

Stop Bad Actors

From exploiting memory-related
CVEs and unpatched software

zero days

Neutralize Zero Days

Halt exploitation of memory
corruption vulnerabilities


Capture Crash Data

Analyze indicators of compromise;
discern bugs vs attacks

How Much of Your Attack Surface
Can You Reduce?


The RunSafe Protection Platform™
Is an End-to-End Solution

assess risk

Assess Risk

RunSafe ASRI™
Attack Surface Reduction Index


Harden Code

RunSafe Code™
Patented Moving Target Defense technology


Protect Cloud Workloads

RunSafe Repo™
Pre-hardened container
images and open source

Detect Attacks

Detect Attacks

RunSafe Flare™
Runtime crash events
indicating compromise

How It Works

RunSafe hardens code by randomizing
where functions are loaded in memory
so that the memory layout is unique
for each binary at runtime.

World-Class Companies Securing Their
Software Supply Chain with RunSafe

  • Atomicorp Logo White
  • CIQ
  • emergent logo
  • Estate Space Logo Horizontal
  • GE Aviation Clients Logo
  • Leidos Clients Logo
  • Lockheed Martin clients Logo
  • US Air Force Clients Logo
  • marines
  • Navy
  • Seal of the United States Space Force
  • Schneider Electric
  • Vertiv Logo
  • WindRiver Logo

“45% of organizations will have experienced an attack
on their software supply chains by 2025.” – Gartner

Learn how much risk your software supply chain has.
Get a free report in less than 5 minutes.