Secure Field Technology, Protect Connected Device Communication, and Embed Security During Manufacturing
The number of connected devices, both large and small, is experiencing exponential growth and is not expected to slow anytime soon.
Additionally, the complexity and sophistication of these devices are advancing at an equally rapid pace. The result is a dramatically increased attack surface for bad actors to target.
It’s increasingly difficult for product security teams to keep up with the onslaught of vulnerabilities. Code scanning, pen testing, and code review only scale so far. Manufacturers are continually having to make the choice between another delayed release and vulnerability remediation. In many cases, they choose to roll the dice and release anyway.
There must be a better way!
The RunSafe Advantage
RunSafe’s products inoculate software and firmware in connected devices enabling them to be functionally identical, but logically unique. RunSafe’s tools are seamlessly integrated into software development (DevSecOps) toolchains. Protections are infused directly into the device code itself eliminating a class of attacks and dramatically reducing the attack surface. This saves time and money on modernization costs while maintaining availability and uptime of mission critical equipment. The end result is an accelerated development cycle with a connected device that protects itself from attack
Immunize Your Software Today!
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